The Arneson home is not something of small regard. Few people know the story behind this humble abode. The Arnesons build their house together, as a family. Mr. Arneson and Mrs. Arneson worked together to plan out the most perfect home. Once the blueprint were set, Mr. and Mrs., along with the children, began to build their home. After many months, supplies, tears, and laughter, the Arneson dream home was built. Theirs is a home built of love, and each one has their own memory of their work on the place they now live. A place has never resounded the name 'home' like that of the Arneson's.
Ramsey's house is built much like that of a log cabin. Not only does the outside resemble it, but the inside does as well. The floors, parts of the walls, and other various parts of the house are wood. It is so cozy, and it the perfect place to hang out. There are windows along one wall, and various windows and doors placed around so that the sun can shine in and bring more warmth to the house. Often we would gather in the kitchen or the family room, just sitting around and talking, joking, eating, etc. The openness of the home allows for you to hear what is going on no matter where you are in the house. If walls could talk, they would share of the conversation and laughter that echo through the home and that the Arnesons bring to their visitors as well as each other.
The best feature of the house, in my opinion, is the window wall that looks out to the lake. There is something about looking out at water that just brings a peace to the soul. Being able to look out and get a clear view of the sunrise in the morning, then to see the ducks playing in the lake during the day, followed by the ending of the day with the sunset has brought so much visual beauty to my life. I only experienced a week of this beauty, but the Arnesons get to see this beauty every day. How wonderful to be reminded of the beauty of God each and every day just by simply looking out the window. Which reminds me, God's beauty is everywhere and each of us have that beauty right outside our window. So go look at it!
It was really difficult for me to leave the Arneson family. They truly are a Godly, hospitable family and made me feel so much at home. I loved being home in the mornings and doing our thing while Ramseys dad played Christian music while working upstairs. I loved when Ramseys mom came home and we sat chatting about lots of things. I loved when Lars and Sadie came home and brought the noise and joy to the home. I loved little Otis, who just snuggled up to everyone and walked around like he owned the place. I loved me, Ramsey, and Larsgoing into Ramseys parents room at night, interrupting her moms reading to lay on the bed with her and talk about the day and various other things. I loved her dad trying to kick us out in the nicest way possible. I loved the feeling of home and love that came from being with the Arnesons and I love the way that I felt after coming away from such a place with such people. God has truly blessed them, and in turn they have blessed me along with countless others. So thank you, Arneson family, for your wonderful hospitality and testimony of Christ.
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