Two words: North Dakota. Yes, I’ll admit. I was not happy going through that state. I stooped down to the level of calling it the ‘wastelands of America’. But alas, how ignorant was I! I began to see that North Dakota, though flat and boring, is home to so many people who adore it. Someone in a car on the same road as us drove through part of the state and turned onto their road, praising the fact that they had finally made it home. It was then that I realized that North Dakota was more than just cornfields and rundown shops. The amber waves of grain are home, and a lovely home at that. I themed North Dakota ‘The Simple Life’ because there is something to be said about people who take life for what it is and, “embrace the pace”.
Also, while in North Dakota, I pulled out of a parking lot and went completely over the curb. Totally illegal – I didn’t realize that it wasn’t an exit. As soon as I pulled out, I noticed there was a cop next to me. I looked at him with a smile, knowing I did something wrong, and he just laughed and drove off. His kindness and laughter made my day ☺ So thanks, North Dakota, for your hospitality. You are the 'Virtue State', indeed!
We slept in the car again, this time in Canada. It was a little more difficult to find a place, but alas! we found one and slept the night away. Ciao.
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